Carina Antonia Schlager (*1996)
from Austria, based in Malmö, Sweden
photographer, printmaker, tattoo artist
master in scandinavian studies/environmental humanities
ongoing: studies of traditional printmaking in Östra Grevie, Sweden
tattooing at Myriad Tattoo in Malmö, Sweden

in love with light, language and lighthearted life
My art in all its various forms is inspired by human & non-human relationships and interdisciplinary approaches of the environmental humanities. I do both digital and analogue photography and work with traditional printmaking techniques such as woodblock printing, etching etc.
 I also express myself through text and combine this with visual techniques in artist books. 
In my tattooing practice I value the contact and collaboration with my customers and my designs are highly influenced by my printing aesthetics.
This website is intended as a portfolio to showcase my work. However I am open for collaboration inquiries, commissions for photoshoots, prints or artworks as well as booking requests for tattooing session with me, so feel free to reach out via my contact form.
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