Group exhibition in an abandoned bunker in Malmö, Sweden showing light, photo & sound installations, sculpture work,
graphic prints, graffiti, poetry readings etc.
Together with a diverse artist collective that formed organically and spontaneously we created a space for different forms of expressions for people of diverse cultures, scenes and communities. Besides the theme of "underground culture" we wanted to show that this public space is ephemeral and uncontrollable. Everything is change.
"Under jorden rör de sig. De smyger, springer, kryper och spränger sig fram. Ibland organiserade, ibland oorganiserade. Ibland kämpande för sitt liv, ibland kämpande för en känsla av frihet. Oftast verkar de isolerade från varandra och har ingen beröring med underjordens andra medborgare.
Den här kvällen gör vi, underjordens befolkning, det tillsammans.
Välkomna på en nedsänkt, omslutande och hedrande konstupplevelse."
Lokstallarna, Kirseberg, Malmö
28 September 2023
zine underjord
This zine was made by Carina Schlager and Arnau Colom and includes poems by Nora Zolotov and Cartemisia. It is meant to reflect two important factors of the exhibition: 
Firstly the process of creating the space inside of the bunker itself by painting, foraging material, building, creating sculputures
and scenography/light.  

On the other hand we wanted to capture the sense of place and the immersive experience of this singular event through photographic documentation.

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